Fehlermeldung "HASP not found"
This message just means that the dongle (USB key) with the software license is not found. A reason for that may be that after a Windows update a newer dongle driver is…
Company logo is not printed
To use a company logo, a graphics file named dclogo.bmp is required in the Configuration directory (see setting in the program under Settings -…
Fehlermeldung "License manager version too old"
This message means that for the use of the license dongle a newer dongle driver is required. You will always find the latest driver at the website of…
Support of Windows 8 and 10
Windows 8 and 10 are supported since some time. Note for the dongle driver
Files from Single Download don't start
Exe file from Single…
DLL files are missing
Programs don't start, because a file csirtfx.dll,
msfrt10.dll, mst33vc6.dll or msvcrt10.dll is missing
Dongle driver
Solving problems during the…
DLL files are missing
With older installation CDs the category "General" could be switched off, which contains files required for all the programs. The category "General" has to be…
No results for design acc. to Eurocode 3
The new parameters for the design acc. to Eurocode 3 like Wy,pl are not yet available, the parameter file was not updated.
If no own…